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Acuity Systems, Inc. | Dallas, TX

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No one expected it, but we are in another recession (this one caused by a virus). It happens about every 10 years.

Is your company and sales team prepared for it?

Sales managers and sales people are going to have a tough time.  Over the last 10 years, sales fixed problems.  Today that is not going to happen.  Buyers are going to tell them they have a budget cut. Your sales team is being forced into changing the way they do business.   

7 Things Successful Leaders Do To Stay Out Ahead of a Changing Economy

  1. Spend money on a new way to market to your old customers and perhaps a whole new set of customers
  2. On creating and enforcing a sales process
  3. Create a sales play book everyone must follow
  4. Create a no-excuse Sales Culture
  5. Train your sales people on how to sell to the new market
  6. Train your sales people on getting to only the true decision makers
  7. Train your sales people on the right questions to ask the new market they are trying to chase and the new market you want to go after.

For those of us that helped companies survive in 2008, this is what they did and I am sure some of those CEOS that are reading are nodding their head ...saying “YES that is how we survived” SO call a meeting and get to work.


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