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Acuity Systems, Inc. | Dallas, TX

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Too often sales leaders don't look for new employees until there's a position available...which means it's pretty likely they're hiring based on their emotions. As a sales manager, you should NEVER hire someone because you HAVE to. If you're hiring based on emotions, it's very likely that your new hire won't be the right person for the job.

For this reason, it's important to develop a thorough sales process that can be tracked and measured and also includes an on-boarding process. At Sandler, we approach the issue of hiring with what we call the SEARCH model. This model essentially addresses all of the most important traits, activities, personalities, etc. of an "ideal" sales candidate, and it helps sales leaders and recruiters develop questions to find out whether each candidate fits this description. Tom explains.

Interested in testing your next potential hire? Click here to learn more about the nationally accredited Sales Candidate Assessment we use here at Sandler!

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